Activities and learning
Rouen Normandy Creation provides a set of shared services: reception and information area, reception of mail and parcels, reprography, magazines, meeting rooms, catering and conviviality areas.
The animations
The Ecodéj event is organized monthly on themes related to eco-construction and led by speakers from companies or public institutions.
Rouen Normandy Creation organizes monthly Matinales for network’s companies. Professionals animate these events and themes are related to the creation and management of a business: development strategy, administration, finance, communication...
Afterworks are organized regularly for entrepreneurs in order to socialize with other people sharing same constraints, difficulties or opportunities.
Rouen Normandy Creation organizes Cafés for Entrepreneurs, an event to present new arrivals and exchange between business leaders.

As part of the support for business creators, training modules are offered to all staff of companies of the Rouen Normandy Creation network.

Contact us
To have more information about our hosting and support offer, contact us and let's talk about your project together.